Songs For Learning Amapiano Dance
Did you jump on the ‘One Legge’ Tiktok dance challenge? Then you aren’t far off from the dances of Amapiano songs. The Amapiano genre that took the streets of south Africa by storm has done same in taking over the world by storm with its incredible energetic beats.
With the rise of the popular Tiktok app, it is pretty easy for songs to trend massively online and the Amapiano dance steps isn’t left out! Though for the newbies in the house, the popular south African dance may look difficult, it is very very easy to learn, just breath and put on your dancing shoes!
With every release of an Amapiano beat track comes with a trendy dance style, each dance step is very unique to its own as every dance comes with its vibe. Everyone has taken a liking to the Tiktok app worldwide and this has worked in the favor of the beat. If you’re used to Tiktok you’d realize that the app comes with an original voice over, so you don’t have to worry about playing the actual music. Just get your body moving.
The very catchy south African ‘ameno’ amapaino song catapulted across the world with its release. You don’t need to be told the amount of wave the viral song created as it could be heard everywhere. When Pogba, Manchester United player jumped on the ‘ameno’ challenge, his clip gained over 10 billion views on Tiktok alone, a dance challenge that popular celebrities such as Shaquille O’Neal, Janet Jackson and shakira couldn’t resist.
With the dance to Amapiano songs there’s one thing you have to know, it involves the use of all of the body. You aren’t ready to bub your head, move your legs up to your very waist? Then step aside please. You can’t not dance when Amapiano comes on. It is like the dancers are telling the story of the music with their body and faces.
South Africa is know worldwide for its biodiversity and multiplicity of cultures and languages. In music, things are no different. It is hard and nearly impossible to stand still and not dance when amapiano song gets played.
Let’s take a look at some amapiano dance moves that caught our eyes over the years:
* Baleka Gijima
Baleka Gijima is a very simple dance move which is often used as an introduction dance move. Just like saying “Hey look at me! I can dance”. At its simplest form, Baleka Gijima is just a wedding dance set with a lot of fliars baked into it to make it look cool. The keyword for this dance is flair!
* Dlala Ngama SHi SHI.
For those with flexible waist, this move will shut down any dance floor and have everyone cheering you on. The dance usually starts with guiding steps forward or backward gestures, immediately after that, place your hands on your waist and gyrate it side by side.
Now, what are you waiting for? Hop on an amapiano song dance challenge already!