De’KeaY & Geraldo The Vocalist – Sthandwa Sam
|De’KeaY & Geraldo The Vocalist – Sthandwa Sam Mp3 Download Fakaza
Rising producer, De’KeaY is back with new music, and we are hundred percent sure you’ll enjoy this one.
This track is titled “Sthandwa Sam” and it features Geraldo The Vocalist.
The chemistry between De’KeaY & Geraldo The Vocalist is like nothing else we’ve seen before.
They create a unique sound within their productions and are able to balance various tricks, differentiating them from others.
This time, they do it again on this melody.
The new song is currently available for download on FakazaHouse below.
Finally, you can download “De’KeaY & Geraldo The Vocalist – Sthandwa Sam” Mp3 for free below.
Download Below.
DOWNLOAD De’KeaY & Geraldo The Vocalist – Sthandwa Sam MP3 HERE